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Live-Blogging Lost 5.9 Namaste March 19, 2009

Posted by Amy Yen in Lost, TV.
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8:59 – Previously on Lost, there was a hiatus & I was so confused as to what to obsess over my entire life. Also, the Left-Behinders got stuck in the 70s & actually do a great job getting Dharmalized. Sawyer, for example, hooks an awesome job as head of security, gets to wear a snazzy jumpsuit AND is apparently in LOVE(!) with Juliet! But then, as always with this show, Kate has to fall out of the sky & ruin everything. Lame.

9:00 – We open on a plane. It’s Ajira flight 316. The O5 are sitting around moping. In the cockpit, Frank Lapidus endures his co-pilot talking about Hurley being an O6 member. Just as Frank is dismissing Hurley’s bravery, the turbulence starts. Frank still looks super weird without his Kenny Rogers beard. In the back, Hurley tells Caesar to fasten his seatbelt. Frank’s like, aw crap. The plane shakes & the screen goes white.

9:02 – Still in the cockpit, Frank & the other pilot are still there. The flash is over & the plane is failing. Frank somehow saves the plane from crashing right away onto the Island & then they see a runway. Is it the one the Others were building in season 3 perhaps? (more…)